We have just finished the MeeGo port of our Symbian^3 game Treemaker. Go ahead and try the free version on your N950/N9 device!
Download the free version: (41 Mb) http://bit.ly/nx2wVC
Watch video: http://bit.ly/nKmSQG
Screenshots: http://bit.ly/qhp6Py
Installation instructions:
1) Ensure the device has enough battery left or connect the power adapter
2) Download the file from the link above
3) Click once on completed transfer in MeeGo browser
4) Agree to install the package
5) Wait patiently for a while, about 30 secs or so.
6) Go to application menu and you should find the game there
If something goes wrong (we saw this happening once), MeeGo device can jam the installation somehow. The resolution was to reboot the device and uninstall treemaker app in application manager. After this re-install from the link above and it worked fine.
By the way, Symbian^3 versions can be found here:
http://store.ovi.com/content/134543 (Free)
http://store.ovi.com/content/113038 (Paid)
The game looks great and interesting. Tried it out. Will play it in the future. Keep up the good work.
It also works on the Nokia N9!
Nice to know there is no problems on N9!
Would you be able to share some photos of this game on N9? We have only one N950 developer device here.
Level 6 ep.1?
And Ep2 – 3??
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[...] Continue reading here: Mikrotie Ltd » Blog Archive » Treemaker for Nokia N9 & N950 MeeGo … [...]
[...] auf das Game-Iconauf der rechten Seite sofort installieren, oder ihr besucht die Internetseite von Mikrotie. Teilen macht Freu(n)de: Mixx Delicious Digg Facebook Twitter MikrotieNokiaNokia N9Nokia [...]
What about N900?
[...] The first is actually the developer of the app, Mikrotie. They’ve put a free download http://bit.ly/nx2wVC and installation instructions at Mikrotie. [...]
[...] ulteriori informazioni accedete a questa pagina del sito ufficiale da cui è possibile scaricare gratuitamente l’installer, magari in [...]
[...] Italia. Purtroppo (per ora) non interesserà a molti, ma il gioco è scaricabile dalle pagine del sito ufficiale mentre per l’applicazione trovate tutte le informazioni su [...]
From the videos I saw I believe one should be warned that when we “click” on the Help (?) button we are loading/entering a web page. Make an additional screen where you warn of the web connection. Also the trees that grow when our character arrives some platform have not a clear meaning. Otherwise, the design is pretty good, the purpose of the game is clear and the casual and easy gameplay is a plus. Good job.
Thanks for these observations! We’ll add the url-open warning dialog in the next versions.
Gyus, i was very curious and installed it on my n900.
Apparently i run that command:
dpkg -i /path/to/file/treemaker*.deb
and it actually unpacked the package and setup it, but there is no icon:)
We tried this too out of curiosity, but seems the binaries are not compatible, even if the .deb package seems to be working.
Hi. Tried it on developer N950. Worked without any problems. It looks fantastic. Hope to play the full version
. Great job!
Nokia N950 Mobile is wowoo Primary Camera 12 MP and Camera Secondary Yes but How many pixel in Camera Secondary ? …….
Nokia N950 Mobile is very very good
technology news…
[...]Mikrotie Ltd » Blog Archive » Treemaker for Nokia N9 & N950 MeeGo – Blog about Mikrotie Ltd game development activities[...]…
Love it in my N9 yet could not play all levels :-/. Is there any way you guys upload to Nokiastore or maybe we can buy it via this site?